A Sunny Spring Day (kind of)

It was a positively spring-like day yesterday morning.  Temperatures were near sixty degrees, and the sun shone brightly.  The kids and I were excited to take the horses to the foothills for a nice long ride to enjoy the day. 

Unfortunately, we were competing with daddy, who was planning a fishing trip to Lucky Peak, so at the last moment we lost our male companion and it was just Annabelle and me. 

She caught the horses and took their blankets off so they were ready to load.

Getting Ready

We made the forty-minute drive to Eagle in good form, and got saddled up to head out. 

Walking to the Gate

There some clouds moving in, and the wind was a little more than brisk as we walked to the gate, but we were still happy.  Annabelle rode happily along, eating her peanut butter and jelly sandwich as she went.

Eating a sandwich

We climbed and climbed to the top. 

Up the Mountain

And when we got there the wind really hit us.  It was, well, freezing.

But Winston still went for a swim.

Winston Cools Off

Annabelle worked on getting Reno in the pond for several minutes until I told her we had to keep moving or freeze to death.  He ultimately declined the swim.

Trying to swim

We saw a strange bone on the far south side of the mountain, and we couldn’t decide what it had come from. Annabelle wanted to pick it up and bring it home.  I said no.

A Strange Bone

We were very happy to get in the warm truck as soon as we got down the hill.  I had not anticipated the strength of the wind and had forgotten just how cold the foothills can be when the breeze is coming off the snow. 

As for the fishermen, well, they had no bites.  Batman summed up the trip in this sentence:  “I really don’t know why someone would name that place Lucky Peak, because there is definitely nothing lucky about it!!”

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